30 London Market firms join first ever apprentice drive

30 London Market firms join first ever apprentice drive

October programme builds on the success of the ‘Futures Academy’ in offering live apprentice opportunities for school leavers

The London Market Group is pleased to announce that this week the EC3 re/ insurance community will host its first ever Apprenticeship Discovery programme, with 30 London market firms and 100 volunteers helping to promote specialty insurance as a destination career to 65 students over three days of market activities.

The Apprenticeship Discovery continues the momentum of the LMG’s summer Futures Academy, which was oversubscribed by several hundred percent.

Sean McGovern, Chief Executive Officer, AXA XL, UK & Lloyd’s and Chair of London Market Group said:

“It is great to see that the demand for an introduction to specialty insurance has continued to grow in the wake of our summer programme. The fact that 30% of the students who attended in July have reapplied for this October is proof that our market is attractive to young people if you open the door to them.

“The power of market collaboration is demonstrated when you see firms across the London market coming together to showcase what we have to offer, with real job opportunities at the end of the programme. Three quarters of the firms participating are taking part for the first time and that offers students even more choice. We hope to see many of our students choosing a long successful career within our industry and look forward to planning further events in 2024.”

The aim of the initiative is to build the profile of specialty insurance as a positive career choice among students at a point in their life when they are thinking about entry level roles, apprenticeships or university. The long-term goal is to shift the age profile of the London Market, where more workers are aged over fifty than under thirty.


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